Our Mission

Our Mission and Goals
FDDR Feeding Detroit is a NonProfit 501(c)3 community/group whose goal is to help the less fortunate, the homeless and the hungry members of our community.
This includes the elderly, unemployed, underemployed, poor, and migrants – women, men and children. We feed the hungry and assist in our humble way by providing them nourishment, clothing, many things to keep them warm and help them.
FDDR provides everyday meals at no cost to our less fortunate in the community and it is sustained by committed and compassionate volunteers and also, by the generous contributions of donors.
We do not receive any funding from the county, state or federal governments. We are 100% funded by your donations.
We hold on to the belief that while we may not be able to help everyone, we will support as many individuals as we can. We have a One Love “no questions asked” policy which has resulted in serving more than 120 -150 or more meals a day to individuals in Detroit and Surrounding area.
Our mission is simple: to feed people in need on the streets regardless of their circumstances.
FDDR provides healthy and nutritious meals to all who we see in need on the streets.
We are committed to improving the quality of life and restoring the dignity of those we serve when providing a hot meal to any member of our community in need of one.
Our mission is to assure that no one goes hungry, that no one is denied the opportunity or assistance to become self-sufficient.
Our initiatives are made possible with a number of amazing volunteers, and of course, the generous support of our community.
We are most proud to have a core group of dedicated Volunteers who cook at home, serve and help with other tasks – individuals genuinely concerned about serving people in need in our community.
The people we serve have lost so much. Some lost loved ones to COVID-19. Some have lost their job, others lost their home and so many can't afford basic necessities. Food insecurity is a massive growing problem everywhere!
We owe to help them and be a source of comfort. That is what we do.
We at FDDR like to look at what we did so far with your help! We have to make a bigger effort now more then ever and work longer to make it happen. But we love this and know we can succeed with your support!
Become a link in the chain of change!